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Second Working Holiday Visa - quick question!

Naomi Starmer

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Hi there


I've not used this forum before, so I was hoping somebody could offer me some advice!


I moved from London to Melbourne in August, and on a working holiday visa. I've already made up my mind that I want to apply for my 2nd working holiday visa as I love Melbourne so much, however aware that I need to do my 88 days of regional work.


I rent an apartment with friends, and ideally want to stay in Melbourne to carry out this regional work so I can at least return to the apartment at the weekends. I've tried looking for local farms/regional work online for the Melbourne area, but finding contacts/farms doesn't seem to be very easy. Unless I'm being really blonde.


I have been told that most people just 'rock up' to a farm and they secure regional work straightaway, but I was hoping to be a little more organsied than that.


I was wondering if anybody could recommend anywhere in the Melbourne area that they have worked at, or know of, that recruits people to do their regional work?


I'm 29 so time is of the essence! I work in HR and was hoping to get sponsored in my current job, however my entire department has been through a restructure and redundancies have been made. Applying for a second working holiday visa seem the only way I can hopefully get to stay in Melbourne for another 12 months.


Thanks, any advice is massively appreciated!


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